Today, Queen Cyn and I decided to act high class by getting some Starbucks kopi even though the 2 of us are "tea person". Of course the kopi are free for some reason so we just went to get a cup each. After collecting our tall kopi, we proceed to add milk and took 6 packets of sugar back to office. Back in office, Queen Cyn began to drink her kopi after adding 3 packets of sugar into her kopi... bleh~ it was bitter de loh... I also tried mine after adding 2 packets of sugar.. it tasted ok but I still don't like the taste of kopi. Anyway being the nice me, I decided to give my last packet of sugar to Queen Cyn. After adding, she still felt hers was very bitter and "GAO".. Luckily, mine wasn't that "GAO".. In the end, Queen Cyn asked Knight Rid to get her some more sugar when he went to get his kopi. Anyway, by end of the day, Queen Cyn and I brought our kopi to the toilet to pour away. And the best thing is, the amount of kopi we left was almost the same, meaning each of us only drank a small portion of what's in the cup. We conclude that "la-kopi" is still not suitable for us, we are more suited for "la-tehing" hehe.. Princess Feli, what a waste, you missed out the chance to get some free kopi hehe =)

*Our free kopi*

*Queen Cyn's reaction after tasting her kopi*
Oh ya, we were at Dowager's workstation la kopi-ing while waiting for her and guess what? Our dowager is such a hero, we admire her for her ability to drink kopi black, without any sugar or milk!!!