Come to think of it, I should admire myself for such a decision when I knew that my boss to be doesn't seem to be easy to work with. Well, at least that was what I felt at that time cos Dowager ST always never fail to give me the impression that she is fierce and always on her toes [please don't scold me when you read this cos this is the feeling that I have few years back :)]
It has been 2 years and 5 months. Though Dowager ST does leave up to her reputation i.e. fierce and firm but it was this feeling that made the team move on and perserve in all situations. Her good teachings have made the team understand the meaning of being meticulous and always doing things "with an end in mind" Hahaha, her famous line :) She has been a GREAT leader with clear directions! Best of all, her memory is SUPERB! I must take the opportunity to document this hee! That is -> I am really grateful to you for giving me the chance to be Queen. It has not been an easy year for me, especially for the first half of this year. So much so that there were times that I feel like giving up and resume my status as a Princess instead. Through some kind words from friends, I managed to pick myself up and knew that your kind intentions was to mould me to be a better person. I have really learnt a lot from you and your pushing really made me think through before I move on to my next step!
The team was really sad that she is no longer our leader. I specially came back to the palace this morning to witness the farewell gift ceremony.
*Farewell gift & card (card done by Knight Rid, swee hor!)* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Shocked at the length of our "speech"* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Delighted with our heartfelt words :)* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Candid shot of Princess Feli* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Candid shot of Princess Ah Tan* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
Even though no tears were shed, it doesn't mean that we are not sad. The sad feeling is just buried at the bottom of our hearts.
The team would hereby wish Dowager ST all the best in her future endeavours and we will definitely have lots of opportunities working together and who knows, you will be our Dowager again some time later....