Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009....

It was not just saying goodbye to 2009 but it was also saying goodbye to our dear Dowager ST. I have been working with her since Jul 2007. I still remember that day when Astin was asking me if I would like to come over and be a KB administrator. Without second thought, I agreed immediately. I was wondering how come I did not even need to consider? Perhaps, it was time to get out of a frontline life.

Come to think of it, I should admire myself for such a decision when I knew that my boss to be doesn't seem to be easy to work with. Well, at least that was what I felt at that time cos Dowager ST always never fail to give me the impression that she is fierce and always on her toes [please don't scold me when you read this cos this is the feeling that I have few years back :)]

It has been 2 years and 5 months. Though Dowager ST does leave up to her reputation i.e. fierce and firm but it was this feeling that made the team move on and perserve in all situations. Her good teachings have made the team understand the meaning of being meticulous and always doing things "with an end in mind" Hahaha, her famous line :) She has been a GREAT leader with clear directions! Best of all, her memory is SUPERB! I must take the opportunity to document this hee! That is -> I am really grateful to you for giving me the chance to be Queen. It has not been an easy year for me, especially for the first half of this year. So much so that there were times that I feel like giving up and resume my status as a Princess instead. Through some kind words from friends, I managed to pick myself up and knew that your kind intentions was to mould me to be a better person. I have really learnt a lot from you and your pushing really made me think through before I move on to my next step!

The team was really sad that she is no longer our leader. I specially came back to the palace this morning to witness the farewell gift ceremony.

*Farewell gift & card (card done by Knight Rid, swee hor!)* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Shocked at the length of our "speech"* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Delighted with our heartfelt words :)* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Candid shot of Princess Feli* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Candid shot of Princess Ah Tan* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Candid shot of Knight Rid* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Let the mystery unveil....* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Hmm....what is it?* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Here's the gift!* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Knight Rid to the rescue* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09
*Excited to fix up the new keyboard!* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*The black keyboard is history* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*You want the wrapper?* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

*Our last pic as a team :(* - Uploaded on 31st Dec 09

Even though no tears were shed, it doesn't mean that we are not sad. The sad feeling is just buried at the bottom of our hearts.

The team would hereby wish Dowager ST all the best in her future endeavours and we will definitely have lots of opportunities working together and who knows, you will be our Dowager again some time later....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kopi Appreciation Session

Today, Queen Cyn and I decided to act high class by getting some Starbucks kopi even though the 2 of us are "tea person". Of course the kopi are free for some reason so we just went to get a cup each. After collecting our tall kopi, we proceed to add milk and took 6 packets of sugar back to office. Back in office, Queen Cyn began to drink her kopi after adding 3 packets of sugar into her kopi... bleh~ it was bitter de loh... I also tried mine after adding 2 packets of sugar.. it tasted ok but I still don't like the taste of kopi. Anyway being the nice me, I decided to give my last packet of sugar to Queen Cyn. After adding, she still felt hers was very bitter and "GAO".. Luckily, mine wasn't that "GAO".. In the end, Queen Cyn asked Knight Rid to get her some more sugar when he went to get his kopi. Anyway, by end of the day, Queen Cyn and I brought our kopi to the toilet to pour away. And the best thing is, the amount of kopi we left was almost the same, meaning each of us only drank a small portion of what's in the cup. We conclude that "la-kopi" is still not suitable for us, we are more suited for "la-tehing" hehe.. Princess Feli, what a waste, you missed out the chance to get some free kopi hehe =)

*Our free kopi*

*Queen Cyn's reaction after tasting her kopi*

Oh ya, we were at Dowager's workstation la kopi-ing while waiting for her and guess what? Our dowager is such a hero, we admire her for her ability to drink kopi black, without any sugar or milk!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Amazing discovery!!!

Discovered an amazing sight when I was helping Queen Cyn to shut down her PC. Check out what's under her workstation.........

*OMG! So many pairs of shoes lying around... is she a sotong or a centipede in human form???*

PS: I know I'm going to get it from her when she see this post... but I STILL GOT TO DO IT!!! Cos good things are meant to be shared.. especially such an amazing sight hehe :P

Who is that??

Who is that?? A thief broken into the royal palace??

It's our princess Feli clearing the cupboard in preparation for our move...

Ta dah!! She managed to pack everything into this 2 boxes.. Thanks for your hard work, Feli!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So Exciting!

Hmm....received an IM from Princess Feli saying that there will be a photo shoot session requested by COD as they wanted to feature those who had helped in one way or another for the launch of "sheng ming".

Wow exciting! We were told that the photographer would be taking our shots by 2pm. We quickly had our lunch, did what we need to and were all ready. We went over to the scheduled venue and realised that no one was there. After investigation, we realised that there was some miscommunication between the photographer and one of our colleauge.

Nevermind, we were then informed later that the session would take place at 4.40pm. So we quickly went over and got our shots taken!

Hmm can't wait to see it in the intranet. We will be known overnight by Boardwide :) How exciting hee....well at least I felt so!

Friday, September 4, 2009

森林 putt putt & friends

Queen Cyn, Princess Feli and I went for the lunch time sales held in office yesterday. There was this stall selling a jelly looking air freshener and the salesperson was trying very hard to introduce the product to us.

According to him, the product was so amazing that it can keep away insects, cockroaches and even lizards (only the lemon fragrance). It's different fragrance even act as a form of aromatherapy with effects like boosting your memory and even slimming. As there was many different fragrance, the salesperson kept fanning each of them in front of our nose for us to smell which one we prefer.

Now here comes the story of 森林 putt putt.....

He kept telling us about this fragrance called 森林 putt putt which makes all of us (-.-???), trying to figure out what the hell is 森林 putt putt. Only when we read the chinese characters then we realised it is actually 森林瀑布. (-.-!!!) Later Princess Feli then shared with us she don't dare to smell the 森林 putt putt as she was worried that it really smells of putt putt. Lolx.

Let's take a look at the 森林 putt putt & friends that we bought on that day....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Waste of Time?

Princess TH and I decided to join the contest which came about due to the launch of the iCAN newsletter.

So, we went up to the Dream room after 5pm with the aim to count the number of coloured post it pad. At first, we thought that, well, what's so difficult about counting since this is something that we have learnt in school since young.

When we went up, we realised the difficulty! We were supposed to count the orange, purple and yellow pads and we discovered that there are different shades of yellow which made it difficult for us to differentiate between green and yellow. the end, we just anyhow count and decided not to further waste our time!

Our Efforts Were Not In Vain :)

Finally, after weeks of teaching the FAQs in the database and following strictly to the roster, we MADE IT! Our green faces are more than the red ones! Everyone in the Royal Palace was happy :)

We will continue to do our best so as to maintain this positive stats :)


Best regards
Queen Cyn

The Memory Loss Team

We did not want to be named as such but somehow, it seems like most of our royalities, especially ME got this memory loss problem. One moment I remember, next moment I forgot. Hmm, any cure for this?

Oh yah....Dowager, you wanna join us?

Best regards
Queen Cyn

Innovative Dowager!

It was indeed a right move to nominate our dowager for the Innovative Leader award. Her mind really thinks fast and was able to come up with really good and innovative ideas in spilt second for our life events project. Well, like what Princess TH says, that's why she is our boss :)

So impressed with her and wonder when will I have her powers??

Hmm, really hope that she can win the award. Well, even if she does not, she will be a winner in our HEARTS!

Best regards
Queen Cyn

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Nominees Are Out!

Yes....and one of them is our dear Dowager :)

Fighting with other 2 nominees for the Most Innovative Leader award. Was glad that Princess Feli, Queen DY and mine nominations were not wasted!

Hopefully she can really win it :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nomination Accepted!

I had wanted to submit the nomination for Dowager but just couldn't find time to do so. Finally, I managed to do it just before the deadline i.e. 1159 15th Jul. I sent out the email at 11.58pm but realised that when it was out, the time was stamped at 12.01am.

Arrgghhh!! Was so afraid that E will not accept it but luckily, he was kind enough to take it in. Now, let's just hope for the best :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

IDG Jigsaw Puzzle

Today Queen Cyn, Princess Feli, Princess Char and I went to take part in the IDG Jigsaw Puzzle. This was the 1st time an IDG on Jigsaw Puzzle was organised and about 40 over teams took part in the competition so the whole conference room was filled up with people. It was exceptionally fun as we get to play with our good friends. During the game, we probably got too excited that we actually pushed our table nearer and nearer to the table next to us and almost squashed our Queen (who unknowingly tried to blame the people behind her lolx).

Although ultimately we did not complete the puzzle nor won the top 3, I must said that we had did a very great job to have joined up 385 pieces out of 500 pieces within 1 hour. Even though we can't get into the top 3 places but I can safely say we definately would had been within the top 10 haha!!!

*One GREAT team*

*The puzzle box*

*Our proud achievement*

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sad to Say....

Very sad to announce that apparently, last night's checkout was not successful. Poor Queen and Princesses....we were all hungry and tired. Did not hae dinner and only managed to go off at 12am. Worst than Cinderella :(

Best of us, I am already in office at 7.30am. This is indeed my second home.

I wonder when is the next try? Next week can??

Best regards
Queen Cyn

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hardworking Royalties

Look at the time now, its past 10 pm. The Queen and the 2 princesses are still in the royal palace working hard on the testing of website enhancement. Now we are waiting for the experts to resolve our errors and to do a re-test again....

Still have part 2 of the testing not done yet.... Hai... hopefully can be Cinderalla (Go home at 12 midnight)... Hee....

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tower Fans for the Royalties

Queen Cyn and the princesses decided to place a tower fan at their workstation. Reason being, the aircon at the royal palace will auto switch off at 630pm sharp! Placing tower fans at the royal's palace will ensure that the royalties can work OT comfortably.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleepless Night?

Definitely not for Queen Cyn....

Then you must be wondering how come she is still awake at 3.15am?? That's because I am still waiting for the IT department to resolve my error for the UAT test. Arrgghhh when will they get back to me leh?

I'm starting to feel sleepy....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

MYP 2009

Hmm seems like luck is slowly coming back to me again! Won a $20 Robinsons voucher in this evening's CUD Mid Year Party. Although there were 80 prizes to be given away, it aint easy being one of the recipients given the number of staff that we had. So I should count my lucky stars for winning the 16th prize.

Along with me were Dowager ST, who got $15 voucher, Princess Feli and Knight Rid who got $10 each. Oh well, Princess TH did not get anything this time round. Hmm....probably because you got the mirror photoframe and we did not get it??

Anyway, save the chance for Year End Party! Perhaps you will get something during that time :)

Queen Cyn

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A fruitful day...

On Friday, Queen Cyn, Princess Feli and I went to this Inno something event at the DBS auditorium to look look see see and vote for our department's booth. The initial intention is to go for our lunch straight after we had finished touring the place but in the end, we ended up with our hands full of prizes we got to go back to office before proceeding for lunch.

There was a booth there whereby we had to guess the correct words from some jumbled up letters. Our Queen Cyn was so smart, she managed to guess hers correctly very quickly and got herself a prize. Me and Princess Feli also managed to get a prize each but with the help of our Scholar "Tang Mu Si". Thank Q, "Tang Mu Si"!

Then there was another booth whereby we just have to key in an idea each and we will get a random prize too. We were all attracted by one of the prize, a pink colour mirror cum photo frame and very tempted to get it. In the end, our Queen ordered us to queue up and think of an idea each while queuing so we can stand a chance to win the prize. Thanks to our Princess Feli who contributed an idea to each of us, we all manage to key win something. But I'm the only lucky one who got what we all wanted hehe. Princess Feli got a pink tofu coin bank while Queen Cyn got a notebook. Poor Queen Cyn, she tried to go back and try her luck after lunch to get the prize she wants but was told that she can only get 1 prize regardless of how many ideas she submits.

Lets take a look at our winnings + some fruits that "Auntie Cyn" took from Ah Seng's stall:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tart making session

Went to learn how to make mini tart with Queen Cyn yesterday. The teacher gave us 3 pieces of notes each and kept jumping here and there making us all confused. The best part is she keep telling us she is at page what, page what but none of the paper has a page numbering on it.

We were given dough to try hands-on how to put the dough into the mould but we did not manage to do it very nicely. Queen cyn due to her long finger nails and me due to shortage of dough. Anyway it doesn't matter cause in the end we did not get back the one that we did after its being baked in the oven.

*Queen Cyn putting her dough into the mould*

*Pressing hard*

*Left side is mine, right side is hers*

The teacher told us that baking is actually very easy as the receipe she given us is very simple. Even if we lost it, we can still bake. Just have to remember: " Every 100g of flour, u use 50g of butter...". But what I don't understand is why she still keep asking us what is written in her receipe as she can't remember what she wrote. Isn't it suppose to be so easy that we can still bake without her recipe??!!

Anyway it's still quite an experience as this is the 1st time I tried my hands on making pastry. If we can master the skill maybe next time we can do business selling mini tarts, right Queen Cyn? Looking forward to more activites with our Queen. :P

Ah Tan

*Looks not bad right?*

*What we did...*

*Is not what we get (Where's our peach???)*

*Queen Cyn kaypohing at the oven*

*Careful it's hot!*
*Shake Shake, test if the tarts are ready*

*This is what I brought home*

Racial Unharmony

The pot of "multi-racial" cacti that Queen Cyn bought few months back had gone haywired. Few weeks ago, one of them got dried up and the "skin" started to look wrinkly. The "plant doctor" said it's dehydrated and Queen Cyn just need to give it more water. Happily, she brought the cacti back to office and guai guai feed them water every other day. Who knows, few days ago, another one of the cacti started to turn yellowish and its condition gets worse each day. Yesterday, we brought the pot of cacti to the doctor again and guess what, this time round, it's because the cactus had too much water!

Wah biang, why can't the cacti be more loving to each other and share their water? One drink too much and the other one too little, how to survive like that? Anyway, both the cacti will be replaced by 2 new cacti which Queen Cyn will be going to choose tomorrow. Hopefully this time round the cacti can practise racial harmony and live happily together everafter...

Ah Tan

*Doctor doing analysis at the "clinic"*

*The cactus that drank too much collapsed when we bring them to the "clinic"*

Monday, May 25, 2009

In the Nick of Time!

There is a saying that goes,"傻人有傻福" which means fools also got their lucky days. It happened to me today!

Supposed to have meeting with IT Helpdesk, SG and the Royal family on the mantis system. Only know how to ask people to set up the projector and din realise that I got nothing to project. In the end, remembered that I should at least project the mantis system to show people else how do people visualise leh.

So I panicked and tried to search for my previous password at the eleventh hour! Well, I did managed to retrieve the email but in the end found out that it has already been locked out due to non usage. Jiat lard siaz....

Tried to contact Joey and Haiying but they were outside and couldn't do much to help. Tried contacting Princess Feli twice but did not managed to get her. Din she say we can call her if we got emergency??

Bo pian, decided to give a last shot and call her again. Luck must be on my side and I finally managed to get her on the line.

She is damn incredible! I could not believe my ears when she can still remember the password in those weird combination i.e. djgey46jrt

Whichever the case, she saved all our day....Thanks Princess Feli....Good luck to your exams hee!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ang Huay

Brought one for myself and one for Princess TH.

Seems like it worked for us cos our whole day was "soon soon"

Best regards
Queen Cyn

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Horoscope of the day, zhun or not??

Happened to read the horoscope section in My Paper today. It's telling me from now till month end, I should take good care of my health and not to work through the night. So happened that most of the days last week I had been bringing work home to do at night, which really made me feel very tired. I will take it that the horoscope is a sign to me that I should not overwork myself (by bringing work home again) and fall sick before Princess Feli is back at month end. Hehe, it does make some sense right?

Next, is the horoscope reading of our Queen. It said that our Queen should work hard to express her talents in work as it will reap good results for her. This is so true too as our Queen has a pile of work on hand and if she is able to handle them well, its definately going to score points for her in her appraisal and she can then look forward to fat PB next year. Jiayou, Queen Cyn!!

Lastly, for our dear Princess Feli that is working hard at home studying, her horoscope said that she will eat alot recently when she is not in good mood. She will have the mentality that its ok to let loose once in awhile but its going to make her gain weight. I wonder if our Feli will eat alot during this stressful period and really gain weight. Well, we will know if it's true by month end when she's back haha..

Sorry Knight Rid, don't have your horoscope reading as I do not know your horoscope hehe :P

Ah Tan

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Been A While....

Wow wow, it's been a long time since Queen Cyn updates this blog. Well, it goes to show how busy I am!

Hmm, not that I am not busy now, but I am taking a tiny bit of my time to quickly do some blogging. Else this blog is as good as dead. I must thank Princess TH for taking time to blog so as to maintain it.

Sad to say, Knight Rid is on MC today. Hope he can adjust back his time and get some sleep. Poor thing....

So left with me and Princess TH to play ping pong. Not bad leh, our ping pong skill is getting better!

Princess Feli, you better study hard hor!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Royal family - Wrecked by Swine flu

Poor Princess Feli, she had been down with flu for the past 1 week and was given a 1.5 days mc by doctor today when she went to see doctor just to get some medicines. Due to the swine flu going on and her flu-like symptons, she is being asked to wear a mask and leave office early just in case she "infect" the others. Hope she gets well soon so that she can be back to office on Wednesday before her long leave starts.

Besides Princess Feli, our Knight Rid may be the next to be affected by the swine flu. Currently, it's still uncertain if he needs to be on home quarantine for 7 days after his enjoyable trip from Europe. Let's pray hard Knight Rid need not be quarantined, otherwise Queen Cyn n Ah Tan will have to "pa ping pong" for don't know how long.......

Ah Tan

*Princess Feli being masked and Evil Queen laughing non-stop at the back*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 Cheers to Princess TH!

Princess TH was the chosen one to be one of the nominees for our SRC committee. Well, since there was an edict passed down, we have to follow strictly to adhere to the rules. And of course, we all know what is the edict about hee!

The conference area was so crowded at 5pm as everyone was busy choosing the committee members as well as filling up our lucky draw coupons. After the opening speech, we were allowed to eat. Hmm, just nice cos I was so hungry siaz!

Dinner was soon over and we were presented with the results. Apparently, Princess TH's wish was not granted and she was in the committee. Oh well, so sorrie but we will try to help you along the way okie!

Lucky me won 3rd prize of the lucky draw hee! Well, is this gonna be my lucky year? Please say YES okie!

Although, it's only $30, I'm still glad that I got it! More shopping awaits me!

Long Live Dowager ST!

It's Dowager ST's birthday on Sat and we, the royal subjects have made prior arrangement to have lunch with her. However, her gift is still not ready to be presented! We wanted to decorate the exterior of our gift but somehow, the creative juice just refused to cooperate. Tried to get some stickers to paste as our names on it but did not managed to find anything suitable.

At last, an idea just struck Princess TH's mind as she was "taking shelter" at my workstation. She saw one of my label tag which consists of a few cute little bears. She decided to cut each of it out and use it as decoratives for our gift. The idea worked as the effect turned out to be GREAT! Thereafter, the princesses went around searching for "cut-able" and pretty items to add on to the collection.

*Princess Feli busy with the decoratives - Good job!* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

Our wishes were hand-written by each of us and that made it really special! We couldn't finish our art work in time and we proceeded with our lunch session with her first.

Empress Fiza was already waiting for us at the lift lobby and she suggested to have lunch at one of the French Restaurant - Andre next to Watsons at Amoy. Hmm, din even notice that such a French Restaurant exist over there! All of us were pretty excited as it is a fine dining restaurant.
Check out the setting in the restaurant:

*Setting of the cultery on the table* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*A section of the restaurant that has natural light, vineyard is especially well-liked by Princess Feli* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

After our orders were taken, we chit-chatted for a while and our food was served. First item on the list was the garlic bread! We were given a choice to choose between pumpkin soup or casear salad for our appetitiser. Well, only Dowager ST and myself took the soup. As for main course, Dowager ST, Knight Rid and Princess Feli had duck, myself had chicken and Empress Fiza had beef. I simply love the chicken! So tender and juicy!

Last but not least, our meal was completed with a delicious dessert - Tiramisu. The liquor smell is pretty strong but luckily, no one was drunk hee!

*Yummy garlic bread* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Casear salad* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Pumpkin soup* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Duck Confit* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Tender, juicy chicken* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Fish & chips?* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*How can we miss a group photo? Cheers to the birthday gal!* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Delicious dessert* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

Back in the palace, both princesses were seen busy with their artwork as time is not in our favour!

*Thanks to our 2 princesses who made the deco possible!* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

Finally, we are done and ready to present our gift to the Dowager!

*The leader taking the lead* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

I carried our gift in my hand, slowly walked into her room and was singing her a birthday song as I walked. Alamak, first thing that she said was that her hair is standing up! Bad leh, hurt my little heart wor! But okie lah, at least I'm the only one who can cause her such effect lor!

*Dowager ST: OMG, what is happening?* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Presenting Dowager ST and her little garden (cake look-alike?)* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Our masterpiece* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Nah, do watever you want!* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Once a upon a time, there was nothing in my right hand and something in my left hand!* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Dowager ST: You want to help me 'cut' the 'cake'?* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*The Royal Family - loving each other & living in harmony :)* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

*Little garden's new home* - Uploaded on 26 Mar 2009

We were glad that she loved our gift and happy that this little garden has found its new home but sad that Empress Fiza was not available to be part of this mini celebration. Nevermind, there are years to come!

Meanwhile, please take good care of the little garden....